He has no reason to trust humanity, particularly after a disastrous attempt by a secret multi-national task force to take him captive and use him as a chained weapon, but most of his ire is reserved for unnatural horrors like the Planet Eaters.

Kondo has the strength to punch through buildings or lift and throw entire trains. One of the greatest of Earth's savage defenders is known as King Kondo, a primate of gargantuan proportions with a rage to match his height and girth. The arrival of the Destroyers has drawn the ire of many great beasts once hidden in the untracked jungles and wilderness places. But my favorite so far is King Kondo, the giant simian leader of the Empire of the Apes: //Credit: Privateer Press I have already fallen head over heals for these minis, and have a couple of them already put together. So, imagine how much a goofball like me is going to flip out over a game like Monsterpocalypse, the kaiju-fighting-kaiju maniature game from the folks at Privateer Press. Give me a game where I can fight giant monsters against other giant monsters, and you will have my heart forever. Click the model type that you think looks best.Ĭongratulations! You can now wear the skin of Blackbeard in the Minecraft game.There are few things I love more on this earth than giant monsters. If you have chosen a different one to save Blackbeard skin into, then navigate to that one. Click on the blank model, which is located beneath the ‘Default’ field. That one is located beneath the avatar of your character in the game. Launch the actual game from your desktop, Start menu, or taskbar. Click ‘Save’ and you are done! Please do not forget to keep track of the folder you are downloading your Blackbeard skin into – you are going to need to return to it in the near future! Please don’t forget that the ‘Blackbeard’ skin file should be in the png format!

Click on the ‘Download’ button (that would be the big green one on the right side of the page). Wait for the page to download your skin and proceed to the nest step! Type the name of skin ‘Blackbeard’ into the search bar and press Enter button. Launch your browser of choice from the Start menu, desktop, or taskbar on the device you play on. How to download Blackbeard Minecraft Skin?